Why are blenders so loud?

Why are blenders so loud

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Are you looking for a smoothie maker that won’t wake up your family in the morning? It’s not just you. Blenders tend to be remarkably loud, and it can make enjoying a healthy homemade drink or snack an instant source of stress when you’re buzzing away with what sounds like a jackhammer every time you hit ‘on.’ To better understand why blenders are so loud, let’s explore the underlying science and technology behind these kitchen gadgets and see if there is something we can do about it.

The Science behind Blender Noise – What Causes It 

It’s no surprise that the cause of the blender’s noise is due to its motor. The blades in a blender’s base spin at very high speeds, usually around 20,000 – 30,000 RPMs. This causes air friction which produces the loud vibration we hear when using it. The container vibrates and moves around on the counter as a result, in addition to making obtrusive noise.

Kitchen Design Considerations to Reduce Blender Noise 

While it may seem like there is nothing you can do about the noise blenders generate, there are some things you can do to reduce it. The easiest way to reduce blender noise starts with design considerations in your kitchen or wherever your appliance lives. For instance, countertops are porous and will absorb sound waves, making them great for reducing noise pollution from a blender. Other materials, such as wood and stone, can also reduce noise while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your kitchen. 

Kitchen Design Considerations to Reduce Blender Noise 

One way to further reduce blender noise is to keep it away from walls and other surfaces that reflect sound waves easily. This means placing the appliance in an open area in your kitchen rather than close by cabinets or appliances that amplify sound. 

Another great way to reduce blender noise is to invest in a good quality machine with high-end motors which are designed to be quieter than traditional ones. To ensure that no one is disturbed while you blend, you may also get a soundproof case for your appliance. 

Tips for Keeping Your Blender Quiet 

Finally, here are a few quick tips to keep your blender quiet: 

  • Make sure the cup is properly sealed and locked onto the base before you start blending.
  • If possible, blend at a lower speed, as this will reduce noise levels. 
  • Avoid overfilling your blender with ingredients, as this can cause it to be louder than necessary.
  • Keep it away from walls and other surfaces where sound waves can easily reflect off.
  • Make sure your blender is properly maintained to keep it running smoothly and quietly. 

The physics behind why blenders are so loud will help you take action to lessen the noise so you can enjoy a smoothie without waking up the rest of your household. With a few simple design and maintenance considerations, you’ll be able to enjoy your freshly blended drinks without all the noise. 

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Loud Blenders 

While ignoring the noise and carrying on using your blender may be tempting, this would be a mistake. Loud blenders might be a sign that your equipment is broken in addition to being bothersome to you and those around you. 

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Loud Blenders 

If your blender starts producing more noise than usual, check for loose or broken parts which might need replacing.

How To Choose The Quietest Blender For Your Kitchen 

When shopping for a blender, it’s important to look for one that is designed to be quiet. Good blenders with high-end motors are less likely to be noisy and more likely to last longer. At the same time, you should also look for features like soundproof cases which can help reduce noise levels even further. 

Read More: Are ninja blenders dishwasher safe?

Useful Accessories For Quietening Down Blenders

Apart from soundproof cases, there are other accessories you can buy to reduce blender noise. For instance, some models come with rubber feet that absorb vibration and keep your appliance from moving around on the counter. Dampening mats are an additional handy accessory that act as an acoustic barrier between your countertop and the blender to assist stop sound waves from escaping. 

Final  Word

You can enjoy your smoothies without worrying about making a racket in your kitchen by picking the correct blender and spending money on soundproof accessories. So next time you’re looking to buy a silent but powerful appliance for blending, make sure you keep all these tips in mind! You can savor delectable drinks and snacks while keeping everyone else at ease with the correct setting.

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