How to make paneer in instant pot

How to make paneer in instant pot

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Making delicious paneer at home is easier than ever before with the help of the Instant Pot. Not only can you make fresh, tasty paneer in minutes, but you also get to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from making it yourself. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through an easy step-by-step process for preparing homemade paneer in your Instant Pot that requires minimal effort and time. From transforming milk into curd to pressing and storing your finished product, everything will be covered so that you can start serving up restaurant-worthy dishes with no fuss!

What is Paneer and why you should make it in an Instant Pot

Paneer is an unaged, non-melting cheese popular in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. While it can be used in a variety of dishes, from spicy curries and creamy sauces to pilafs and pakoras, one of its most common uses is as a stuffing for parathas or dosas. 

What is Paneer and why you should make it in an Instant Pot

Making paneer from scratch is traditionally a time-consuming process, but the Instant Pot simplifies this process significantly. By taking advantage of its high pressure setting, the Instant Pot can quickly transform milk into curds and whey without any additional stirring or monitoring. Furthermore, it makes it unnecessary to filter the cheese through multiple layers of cheesecloth, making it simpler than ever to serve this delectable Indian dish at your dinner table. 

Gather the ingredients – Milk, Lemon Juice, Salt, and Water.

For a basic paneer recipe, you will need four ingredients: Milk, Lemon Juice, Salt, and Water. Make sure to use full-fat milk so that the cheese can hold its shape after it’s cooked. The lemon juice (or vinegar) is used as an acid to separate the curds from the whey, while the salt adds flavor to the finished product. 

Once you have gathered all of your ingredients, it is time to get started! 

Preparing the Milk to Make Paneer

The first step is to prepare the milk for making paneer. Start by pouring 4 quarts of full-fat milk into the Instant Pot and close it off with its lid. Then select the “Yogurt” setting and press START/STOP button. This will bring the internal temperature of the milk up to around 185 F, which is the optimal temperature for transforming it into curds and whey. 

Preparing the Milk to Make Paneer

Once the timer has finished counting down, you should see that the milk has separated into thickened curds and thinned out whey. This means that your milk is now ready for pressing into paneer! 

Cooking the Paneer in the Instant Pot 

Once the milk has separated into curds and whey, it is time to move on to the next step. With the Instant Pot’s “Yogurt” setting still engaged, press the START/STOP button again to bring up the internal temperature of the pot to 200 F. This will begin cooking your paneer, causing it to become more firm and less crumbly. 

Cooking the Paneer in the Instant Pot 

After a few minutes of cooking at this temperature, turn off the Instant Pot and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. This will give your paneer time to cool down and settle into its final shape. Once it has cooled, you can remove the lid of the pot and take out your finished paneer! It should be slightly soft and ready to use in any number of dishes. 

Read More: Who Makes Kirkland Pots and Pans

Storing the Finished Paneer 

Now that your paneer is cooked, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to a week. To do this, transfer the paneer onto a plate and press lightly with an additional plate on top to remove any excess whey. Then wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it into an air-tight container before placing it in the fridge. 

Using Your Homemade Paneer in Delicious Recipes

Now that you have made your own paneer, it is time to start using it in delicious recipes. From spicy curries and creamy sauces to pilafs and pakoras, there are many dishes that can benefit from the addition of this Indian cheese. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, why not try making some stuffed parathas or dosas with your freshly-made paneer? 

Using Your Homemade Paneer in Delicious Recipes

No matter where you choose to use it, homemade paneer is sure to elevate any dish and bring a touch of restaurant-style goodness to your dinner table. Enjoy!


Congratulations! You now know how to make paneer in an instant pot at home. Making homemade paneer is a hugely rewarding experience – you might be surprised just how easy and delicious it can be.

Plus, the joy of knitting together culinary knowledge and techniques from around the world makes it even more fun. With your newfound expertise, you can have fun with creative combinations – pair some freshly-made paneer with spices, or throws it into a soups or curries for an extra depth of flavor.

For even more delicious discoveries, why not explore other Indian cuisines? From North Indian flavors like tandoori dishes to the hotter fare from the south, the possibilities are endless! So embrace your inner chef and start concocting your own recipes today!

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