How to clean de longhi coffee machine

How to clean de longhi coffee machine

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If you have a deliciously steaming cup of coffee at home, it’s easy to forget about the hard work and dedication that it took to make this moment possible. It all starts with your coffee maker – in this case, a De’Longhi machine. Keeping your machine running optimally is essential for getting the most out of each sip and requires some regular maintenance.

The good news: cleaning a De’Longhi coffee machine isn’t difficult or time-consuming! In this blog post, we’ll take you through step by step how to clean yours so that every one of your perfectly brewed cups has an uninterrupted adventure from bean to mug. 

Unplug the de Longhi coffee machine and remove all removable parts.

The first step is to unplug the machine and remove all removable parts. This includes both the water reservoir and any other components, such as the drip tray or carafe. Rinse these out with warm water for a few minutes to get rid of any build-up of oils or deposits. You can also use soap on these pieces if necessary – make sure to rinse them well before putting them back in the machine. 

Wash all removable parts in warm, soapy water and rinse with clean water.

How to clean de longhi coffee machine

Once you’ve removed all of the parts, wash them with a mild detergent in warm water. Soak for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Avoid using abrasive sponges, as these can scratch the material. 

Wipe down the outside of the machine with a damp cloth. 

Clean the outside of the using a moist cloth De’Longhi coffee machine. This will help to remove any grime or dirt that has built up over time. Make sure you don’t submerge it in water or get any liquid inside the machine. 

Use a cotton swab to reach into the crevices and corners of the coffee machine.

Using a cotton swab, reach into the crevices and corners of the De’Longhi coffee machine. This will help to remove any built-up ground coffee or oils that may be stuck in hard-to-reach places. If needed, you can use a mild detergent on the swab as well. Just be careful to properly dry it off and then rinse it out with clean water before continuing. 

Create a mixture of half white vinegar and half cold water, used to descale the inside of the machine. 

Create a mixture of half white vinegar and half cold water, used to descale the inside of the machine

Create a mixture of half white vinegar and half cold water to descale the inside of the De’Longhi coffee machine. Using a bottle or other container, slowly pour the mixture into the water reservoir until it is full. This will help to remove any limescale that has built up over time. 

Rinse off any remaining vinegar solution with clean, cold water.

Once you’ve poured in the mixture, leave it for an hour before rinsing off any remaining vinegar solution with clean, cold water. This will help to ensure that no vinegar remains inside the machine, which could potentially damage it. Make sure to rinse out all of the removable parts as well. 

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Allow the machine to air dry, then reassemble and plug it back in.

Allow the machine to air dry, then reassemble and plug it back in.

Once you’ve rinsed off all of the components, allow them to air dry before reassembling the machine. Once everything is back in place, it’s time to plug it back in and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee! 


Cleaning your DeLonghi coffee maker is a quick and simple process that only takes a few minutes. Not only is it important to follow the proper steps in cleaning, but also to understand what materials should and should not be used when cleaning. Making sure to use approved cleaning supplies will help to ensure the longevity of your coffee-making machine and preserve its quality for years to come.

By doing this, you can guarantee that each cup of coffee made from your DeLonghi machine will be enjoyed just as much as the first! With this comprehensive guide, you can confidently tackle all debris issues within your DeLonghi coffee maker with a few simple tools and some patience.

Make sure to take the time necessary to perform regular maintenance on your DeLonghi machine so you can ensure the utmost satisfaction every time you drink from it!

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